Marketing Your Collection in the Digital Age

A date for the diaries for all you short story writers: 25th September, 6:15pm. I'll be on a panel with fellow Fly on the Wall authors Tracey Fells (The Naming of Moths), Alice Fowler (The Truth Has Arms & Legs) and Michael Bird (Modern Gothic), to talk about how we navigate the online and offline spaces to push our respective collections.
Promoting a short story collection can be notoriously tricky in a scene dominated by novels and poetry, but there is a burgeoning appetite out there for brief and intriguing tales, and short fiction has a lot to offer that novels can't as neatly tackle. We just have to figure out how to make the right noises in the right places to the right people, and our skills at brevity could serve us very well in the fight. I can't claim to be a total expert in all this, and the constantly shifting sands of the digital landscape doesn't help, but I've been around the block a few times now so I'm sure I've got thoughts to offer. It'll be exciting to chat with the rest of the gang as I'm sure I'll be learning a few new tricks too.
Tickets are here: Join us if you can and lets change the face of the literature world one short story at a time!