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Fauna: Reviews and Interviews

Well, Fauna has waddled its way into the wilds like the pluckiest of ducks and I'm utterly dumbfounded at the glowing reaction its had so far. Comparable to the mighty PKD and the God that is John Wyndham? I sit here beneath my The Day of the Triffids poster beaming from ear to ear. I'm so very delighted that people seem to be enjoying my menagerie of beastly tales.

Here's another one:

I mean it feels like showing off now. Why do we get so embarrassed when people like our stuff? I'm very proud of these tales and very happy with how they've come out, but I can't help but somehow feel shifty or big-headed when making graphics like that. I was at Fantasycon last weekend where the Chair, Allen Stroud, reminded all present to not be shy about flogging their wares. I like it when people say things like that. We sometimes need these good eggs at the front of rooms giving us permission to be proud of ourselves. I'm pleased to say I sold a bunch of copies of Fauna at Fantasycon, one of which went straight from my hand as soon as I pulled it out of my bag because the eager beaver liked the cover. The cover is really pulling its weight, you guys.

There's a bunch of 5-star reviews on the hell-site that is Goodreads, plus this delightful review in the Indiependent, and this one on Sci-Fi Pulse. So far so very, very good. I've also been comporting myself in the company of some interviewers, which I've really enjoyed. Over here on Joe Bedford's 'Writers on Research' project, I got into some deep and profound areas about influences, anthropomorphism, and the narrative frameworks of Attenborough documentaries. Basically, if any of the stories of Fauna have puzzled you, dear reader, there may be some illumination in Joe's interview.

I also spent some time talking to my Dad. He is also a writer, a very skilled one with a vast back catalogue of plays, novels, and short stories many of which mess around in the same sandpits as my work. We talked about our influence on each other, the process of sculpting narratives and turns-of-phrase, and the importance of our love of mythologies. It was a wonderful conversation that opened up a few memory paths that I haven't mentally trod for many years. It was also a joy to see Fauna and Incorcisms posing in the garden where many of the seeds of my creativity were sown. It's only now that I put this picture from the blog on here that I've noticed the great tit on the branch on the left. Looking at the woodpeckers on the branch on the cover. It's the most beautiful thing.

I also had a very lovely time talking to Katy Wimhurst for an interview in 3AM Magazine. Here I reflect on Fauna and Incorcisms and Pigskin, and the nature (quite literally) of writing the weird. I get all profound about how the weird feels like the only viable response to the state of the world right now, while also talking a bit about my approach to form and style. Massive thanks to Katy for such brilliant questions. Head on over to 3AM to read the full thing.

At the moment, the best place to get hold of Fauna is via the Fly on the Wall Press shop. I'll also be updating my shop soon, once I've got some fancy bundles sorted out. Christmas is looming on the horizon and I have a feeling this book might make a good stocking filler for the vegans and vegetarians in your lives...

Huge thanks again to everyone who has bought a copy or supported the book in some way so far. And if you're reading this and feel compelled to get me on your blog/podcast/pirate radio/soapbox/stage to chat about animals and the weird, then do please get in touch! And in the meantime:



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